Research Questions

I asked myself these following questions when analyzing children’s books:

If the family is introduced in the book…

  • Who is the main caretaker?
  • How are the mothers’ occupations depicted?
  • Do mothers usually wear aprons in books and fathers wear suits?

When Mom and Dad Divorce, by Emily Menendez-Aponte and R.W. Alley, published in 1999

If the protagonist is a person…

  • What is the gender of the protagonist?
  • If the protagonist is a boy, did the author picture him with gender stereotypes of boys: outdoorsy, naughty, and dreaming to save the world?
  •  If the protagonist is a girl, does the author picture her with gender stereotypes of girls: indoorsy and wishing to be a princess?

I’m glad I’m a boy! I’m glad I’m a girl! by Whitney Darrow Jr.,
published in 1970

If the protagonist is an animal…

  • Does the author set the pronoun of the animal as “him” even if the gender cannot be distinguished?
  • Do the animals have gender markers as well, such as longer eyelashes and fuller lips?

Olivia by Ian Falconer, published in 2000,
Cladecott Honor Book